Getting Started with RealOffice360 CRM

Get to know your new real estate CRM

This tutorial is meant to help you get started with RealOffice360 CRM and get your CRM set up. It will give an overview of the interface and each of the sections.

The RealOffice360 CRM is beneficial to help build your client database, keep in contact with people, and nurture your relationships with your contacts. It will show you how to work your deals and leads though to help you close more deals. Lastly, the RealOffice360 CRM helps to manage your tasks and follow ups all in one spot!

Welcome to your new real estate CRM! Get to know your way around with the following main sections:


RealOffice360's interface is divided into 3 sections:

1. Top bar: minimize the side bar, global search bar, manage your subscription, get help, access your account settings.

2. Side bar: navigate to the dashboard, contacts, pipeline, deals, schedule, account settings, and sign out.

3. Main pane: displays the page you have selected from the side bar.


Get a bird's eye view of what's happening in your CRM:

1. Contacts: view your activity numbers. Select "groups" to see your activities by group.

2. Pipeline: at-a-glance overview of your sales board right now by deal stage. Select "by deal type" to see a pipeline breakdown by type of transaction.

3. Transactions: see how you're tracking against your goals. Click "edit" to set your goals, and "Go to Transactions" to navigate to the Transactions page. Select "by Deal type" to get a breakdown of your completed transactions by type.

4. Schedule: your to-do list for today. Select "Next 7 days" to see your week, and "Go to Schedule" to go to the scheduling page.

To learn more about the Dashboard:



Manage your clients:

1. Filter: select the drop down button to filter by groups or contact type.

2. Actions & Add Contact: add a note, customize groups, import contacts, export contacts, setup lead capture, print mailing labels, and manually add a contact.

3. Multi-select & Act: use the checkboxes to select contacts. Star/unstar, group, email, or delete selected contacts.

4. Contacts View: at-a-glance contact name, email address, phone number, groups, task due, follow-up, birthday, and anniversary. Select a contact to view their full profile.

Learn More about Contacts:



Manage your sales funnel:

1. Filter: by deal type.

2. Actions & Add Deal: Edit deal types, rename pipeline stages, setup lead capture, and add a deal.

3. View your funnel: view the number of cards in each stage as well as sales and GCI (?). Drag and drop cards into the next stage as your sale progresses.

4. Add tasks: click on the bottom of a card to add a task, view suggested tasks, and see what's upcoming for that deal.

5. View details: click on your deal to open contact profile, edit deal, view deal tasks, close deal, archive deal, or delete.

RealOffice360 tip: unlimited cards are available on the premium plan

Learn More about the Pipeline:



View your past deals:

1. Filter: by year and deal type.

2. Actions & Log Transactions: edit deal types, export all of your deals, log a transaction.

3. Multi-select & Act: select a deal to delete or reopen it.

4. Transactions View: at-a-glance status, date, client name and contact information, property address, deal type, price, and commission. Select a deal to view full deal details.



Stay on top of your to-do list:

1. Filter: by type of reminder, task, or holiday.

2. Sync or Add a Task: set-up a 2-way sync with Google Calendar or manually add a task.

3. Change your view: view your calendar by the day, week (scroll horizontally for more days), or month.

4. Select & Act: Click on a task to edit.

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