Pipeline Overview

This is your digital whiteboard - a bird's eye view of your business. Manage your deals (buyers and sellers) and sales funnel.

The pipeline gives you a simple way to view and manage all your leads, buyers, sellers and closings in one place. At a glance, you are able to see your entire sales funnel with potential income and important deadlines to keep your deals flowing.

1. Header: filter by deal type.

2. Top bar: edit deal types, rename pipeline stages, set up lead capture, and add deal.

3. Main pane: drag and drop deal through each stage of your sales funnel and within the same column; view and add tasks to any stage; view, edit, close, or archive deals; access contact profile.


Manually Add Deal to Pipeline

Here's how to add a lead or potential deal to your CRM pipeline:

Navigate to the Pipeline.

Click Add Deal.

The "Add deal to pipeline" dialog box will open.

Select the Type of deal such as a buyer, seller, or add new type. 

Select the pipeline Stage to add the deal to.

Search your Contact database to select one or add new contact.

Click Save.

Edit Deal

Fill in your deal information as you learn more.

Navigate to the Pipeline.

Click the three dots in the top right of the deal card.

From the drop down menu select Edit deal.

Add deal information.

  • Add a property: add property type, address, and description. Further details can be added once property is created.
  • Description: this will show on the deal card when viewing your pipeline.
  • Deal type: deal type applied to current transaction. Select to change.
  • Pipeline stage: where your transaction is in the sales funnel. Select to change.
  • Property price: actual price of property, or sale price/purchase budget.
  • Commission income: projected earnings from this transaction.
  • Additional details: other transaction related information. This information is kept with the deal and will not show up in the Notes section of the contact profile.

All changes are auto-saved.

Edit deal type

Customize your sales pipeline with additional deal types

Navigate to the Transactions tab.

Click Actions in the top right.

From the drop down menu select Edit deal types.

Type custom deal type name.

Click Add.

Click Done.

Move a deal between stages

Add a new deal type

You're not always just buying or selling - customize your deal type for leasing, renting, and other real estate transaction types

Navigate to the Pipeline.

Click Actions.

From the drop down menu select Edit deal types.

Type custom deal type name.

Click Add.

Click Done.

You will now be able to customize your checklist for this deal type.

Rename Pipeline stages


Escrow or conditional? Customize your pipeline stages to reflect your sales funnel.

From the Pipeline

Navigate to the Pipeline.

Click on the column header you want to change.

Type in your new pipeline stage name.

All changes will be auto-saved.

From the Actions menu

Navigate to the Pipeline.

Click Actions.

From the drop down menu select Rename pipeline stages.

Click the stage to be renamed.

Type in new pipeline stage.

Click Done.

Add a single task to deal

How to schedule one-off deal tasks or items you left off your checklist

Navigate to the pipeline.

Click on the bottom bar of the deal card.

Type in a task title, or click the downward arrow button to access a list of suggested tasks.

Click Save.

By default all tasks are all day tasks due today.

Click on the task to edit.

Edit the due date, time and duration, add an email reminder, or add additional task details.

Changes are auto-saved.

Customize your task checklist

Customize your checklist for each deal type and stage of your sales funnel. Then, schedule all of your checklist tasks from one screen for quick and easy task management.

Skip ahead to...


What is a task checklist?

You (or your team) have a checklist (buyer and  seller) of items to complete for each stage of your sales funnel. Set your checklist up as a task checklist in your real estate CRM.

Once you've done this, you'll be able to schedule all of your tasks for that stage at once from a single window!


Set up your task checklist

Click the gear icon in the bottom left.

Click Pipeline.

Make changes in the task checklist matrix

  • Pipeline stages are labelled across the top.
  • Deal types are labelled on the left.

To edit your task checklist for a stage of your pipeline, click on the tile that corresponds with the deal type and pipeline stage you want to edit.

Example: to edit the suggested tasks for any buy deals in the leads stage:

  • Hover your mouse over the tile that is in the "buy" row, and the "leads" column.
  • Click Edit checklist. (If there are no pre-existing tasks for that stage, it will say "create checklist".)

The customize checklist window displays:

  • Task name: specifies the task to be completed.
  • Number: the default of 0 means the task's due date is the day the checklist is scheduled (this can be manually changed).
    • If you want to stagger your checklist then enter the number of days after which you want that task to be due.
    • Example: if you always schedule a follow-up call two days after setting up a property search for prospective buyers, you would add a task named "Follow up call" and put "2" days.
  • Time period: tasks can be scheduled days, weeks, months, or years out.
  • Garbage icon: remove a task.


Adding a new task

From the task matrix, click Edit checklist.

Type the task name into the Add task name field.

Set the time period you want it to be due.

  • The time period will auto-calculate the task due date based on the interval you have specified.
  • The default of 0 days means the task will be due the day your checklist is scheduled.
  • You can also modify the due date and time of tasks when scheduling your checklist for a deal.

Click Save new.

Repeat these steps to customize your checklist for each deal type and pipeline stage.


What if I don't want to schedule my checklist for each stage?

The matrix allows you to specify your checklist for each stage of your pipeline. If, however, you don't want to apply your checklist each time you move your deal to a new stage you can schedule your entire checklist checklist in the "leads" column of the matrix.


  • You can schedule all tasks for the transaction from one screen.


  • If the deal is lost, you will have a lot of manual tasks to delete.

The CRM does not automatically delete the tasks for lost deals because the system doesn't have a way of knowing whether you want to complete the tasks regardless. For this reason we strongly recommend applying your checklist each time your deal moves to the next stage in your pipeline.

Schedule your task checklist

Add your entire to-do list for a stage of your pipeline from one screen

Before you start: you'll need to customize your work flow according to your checklist or action items. Learn how to do so in the Customize Task Checklist for Deals guide.

Skip ahead to...


Schedule your task checklist

Navigate to the pipeline.

Click Add task located on the bottom of the deal.

(Tip: if you had previously scheduled a task, the field will display the task due date instead. Click this.)

Select Apply task checklist.

From the menu, choose which tasks to schedule. By default all tasks in your checklist for the deal type and transaction stage are auto-selected.

To customize due date, time, and email notifications, click Advanced options. Otherwise click Apply.


Advanced options

Due date: by default tasks are scheduled on the date specified in your checklist.

  • Customize date: click on the due date associated with a task to change.

Due time: by default all tasks are schedules as all-day events.

  • Customize due time:
    • Uncheck the All day box to access times.
    • Click the starting time to set task starting time.
    • Click the ending time to set task duration.

Email notification: by default email notifications are scheduled for each task.

  • Turn of email notifications by unchecking the associated box. You can choose to turn off all or some of the notifications.
  • Customize when the email notification is sent by clicking on the downward facing arrow next to the reminder time.

Click Apply.

Your checklist will now appear on the deal as scheduled.


Assign checklist task

If the deal is unassigned:

From the Assign to column, click on search team members.

Select the relevant team member.

If the deal is assigned:

Tasks are assigned to the deal owner by default. To change, click on the X beside their name.

Click on search team members.

Select the relevant team member.

Click Apply.

What is a lead capture or source

With lead capturing your leads will automatically be added and ready for action in your real estate CRM

What happens when I get a lead?

Get your leads forwarded to your unique @ro360mail.com email address. When you have connected your online lead generation platforms to RealOffice360, your leads will:

  • Automatically be added to the lead capture column of your pipeline.
  • A new contact profile will be created for that lead.
  • Any notes will be attached to the contact profile.
  • The email will be logged in the contact's activity tab.


Lead Information: Name, Email, Phone

A new contact will be created in your RealOffice360 contacts database if one does not already exist. Any information your lead provides including name, email or phone numbers, will automatically be added to their contact profile.

Lead Information: Buyer or Seller

If your lead has checked a box on your website that indicates whether they are buyers or sellers, we will attach that information to the deal on your pipeline.

Lead Information: Additional Comments

If your lead has added any additional comments or notes (such as the type of home they want, their home search requirements, the type of buyer or seller they are, etc.) this information will be populated as a note on their contact profile so you can refer to it at any time.

What about the actual lead email?

Once we run our magic on the email and add all of this information into RealOffice360, we will then log this email to the contact's activity tab.

Track my transactions

Transactions overview

View your past completed and archived deals.

1. Header: filter by year or deal type.

2. Top bar: edit deal types, view goals, export deals, log a past transaction.

3. Search bar: find a transaction using contact name, address, or other deal attribute.

4. Top row: column names for the main pane. Click any column to sort deals by that field.

5. Main pane: transaction status, close or archive date, client information, and basic deal information.

Manage your transactions. Learn how to:

Setting Goals

Goals Dashboard

Set yearly goals for your income, number of deals and sales volume. Track progress on your dashboard.

Once you set a yearly income goal, you can track how close you are to achieving it on the Dashboard. Every time you close a deal your Goal tracking values will reflect that. For more granular reporting you can export your Transactions to a .csv file that you can import in a spreadsheet program.

Add a goal

Navigate to the Dashboard.

In the third panel, click Edit my goals.

To set a new goal, click Add goal for the year. To edit a goal, keep reading below.

Goals (calculator mode)

We recommend you use the Calculator mode. Alternatively, click the switch button to change to the Manual mode.

By changing the input values, the Calculator will display the approximate number of deals and sales volume up top.

NOTE: please note that the Goal settings do not affect your deal commission settings that are automatically applied to your deals.

  • My commission goal (GCI - gross commission income) - input here how much money you want to make in the selected year
  • Average home sale value: input here the average sale price of homes you have sold in the past. If you don't have this data, use the average home value in your market
  • My commission type: select the commission type you use for most of your deals
    • flat fee $
    • percentage %
    • fee $ + percentage %, or
    • split percentage %
  • Adjust the commission values
  • Click Save when done

You should now see the progress towards your goals on the Dashboard

NOTE: The Goal settings are used to calculate the approximate number of deals you need to close to achieve your income goals for the year. It also calculates the approximate sales volume for the yearThe resulting numbers are used solely for tracking your business' progress on your Dashboard. The commission information shown here is not auto-applied to your deals. To change the default commission settings applied to your deals, please see how to set your deal commission settings.

Goals (manual mode)

We recommend you use the Calculator mode. However, you can also simply enter the desired GCI income, sales volume and number of deals goal independently from each other, as there is no calculation involved. After you save this Goal, your progress will be tracked on the Dashboard.

Edit a goal

Navigate to the Dashboard and click Edit my goals

Click the down arrow to expand the goals for the year you wish to edit.

  • My commission goal (GCI - gross commission income) - input here how much money you want to make in the selected year
  • Average home sale value: input here the average sale price of homes you have sold in the past. If you don't have this data, use the average home value in your market
  • My commission type: select the commission type you use for most of your deals
    • flat fee $
    • percentage %
    • fee $ + percentage %, or
    • split percentage %
  • Adjust the commission values
  • Click Save when done

NOTE: The Goal settings are used to calculate the approximate number of deals you need to close to achieve your income goals for the year. It also calculates the approximate sales volume for the yearThe resulting numbers are used solely for the goal tracking on your Dashboard and are not auto-applied to your deals. To change the default commission settings applied to your deals, see Deal commission settings.

Setting deal commissions

Deal commission

Set your commission defaults to be automatically applied to all your future Deals.

Aside and independently from setting your yearly goals which let you track your progress, you can also set the default commission information that is automatically applied to your future Deals so you don't have to do it every single time you add a Deal. However, if you need to, you can always manually override the commission of a Deal as described below.

Edit default deal commission settings

Go to Settings > General > Commission. Click Edit default commission.

Edit the default commission settings to be auto-applied to all your future Deals

NOTE: please note that these settings do not affect your yearly goals.

How this works

Let's say that you charge a $5,000 flat fee for most of your Deals. You should then set your Default commission settings to the Flat fee option with a value of $5,000. From now on, whenever you create new Deals, they will have this commission type and value automatically applied.

However, sometimes, you may have the odd Deal for which you charge a different commission value or type. In that case, after you create the Deal, you can simply override its commission settings and set a different commission type and value for that Deal only.

Override a Deal's default commission

Click the GCI commission chip

1. If you know the property price, input it now.

2. Click the down arrow to Edit the commission for this Deal.

Make the desired commission changes and click Save. This will update the commission type and value for this Deal only.

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