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Create Mailchimp API key

Sync Mailchimp and RealOffice360

Setup Guide for Email Marketing Campaigns in Mailchimp

Unsync Mailchimp and RealOffice360


See also related: 

Bulk email and templates in RealOffice360



Create Mailchimp API key

Login to your Mailchimp account

Go to your Profile page

Go to Extras > API keys
Click Create A Key
Name your Mailchimp API key RealOffice360 CRM and click Generate Key
Click Copy to Clipboard

Sync Mailchimp and RealOffice360

Login to RealOffice360 CRM and navigate to the Settings page.

Select Mailchimp.

Toggle the Sync to Mailchimp button on.

RealOffice360 tip: turn off any automatic welcome emails prior to initiating a sync. Turn back on after sync is complete.

Enter your Mailchimp API key and brokerage information.

Click Connect.


Click Close.

⚠️ Note: If you can't connect and receive an error, please make sure your Country and State/Province selection is correct.


Setup Email Marketing Campaigns

For a detailed, example-packed guide on crafting effective real estate email marketing campaigns in Mailchimp, simply follow the link below. This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through each step, ensuring you can:

  • Sync your RealOffice360 CRM contacts and groups to Mailchimp
  • Set up automatic emails for client birthdays
  • Create an automated email drip campaign for new leads added to RealOffice360 CRM
  • Send out quarterly newsletters to your entire contact list

View the complete guide here:

Setup Guide for Email Marketing Campaigns in Mailchimp



Unsync Mailchimp and RealOffice360

Navigate to the Settings tab.

Select Mailchimp.

Toggle the Sync to Mailchimp button off.